There's a set of rituals that come along with the end of the school year. The last week, the kids are only at school for half the day and as each day goes by the the stream of children quickly dwindles to a trickle. You say your last "See you laters" and "I'll miss yous" and then you're left with an empty classroom and a huge to-do list.
Down come the learning charts, posters, and students' work displays. Then it's gathering up the mountains -and I mean mountains- of students' graded papers, used workbooks, and miscellaneous papers for recycling. After, I'll file away some samples of my kids' work to show for the next school year - this is where I'll get nostalgic and say to myself "awe, I remember when we read that book" or "we had so much fun doing that project." This task will always take me longer to finish (I'm such a sap!).
Each day, I set realistic tasks to complete. Today, all my library was packed up and stored away and all my supplies organized and inventoried. Tomorrow, I'll work on storing my classroom decorations and setting up a supplies list for the next school year.
It's funny how each year ends and starts in the same manner, anticipated yet stressful, exciting yet hard-labored and bittersweet from the new hellos and inevitable goodbyes. To all my teachers, here's to a year well-done and an even better year to come! Now go enjoy your summer! Sue